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      It's time to get back on the move! In a time when rules are changing and distance are more important than ever, there really is no better travel companion than Vespa.

      The world's most beloved scooter is resurrecting the iconic "Lets Vespa" slogan exactly 70 years after it was first launched.  At the time Europe was embarking on a post-war reconstruction and was in the initial stages of the economic boom.  Vespa represented the return not only of mobility, but more fundamentally freedom.

      Seven decades on, what does "Lets Vespa" mean today? Its the call to reclaim freedom and the ability to move around independently in total safety.  It means each of us taking control of the distance we maintain, opting to avoid queues, traffic and crowds. With Vespa this can be accomplished in style.

      The new campaign by BBH London highlights Vespa's link with the world of art, with contributions from four renowned artists from the international graphic design scene. English artist Paul Thurlby, Quentine Monge of France, Sebastian Curi from Argentina and Italian Agostino Lacurci have created their own take on themes that celebrate the reconnection between human beings and some acts or rituals that had to be foregone during lockdown.

      The first version of Lets Vespa was launched in 1950 and featured the artwork of Nino Ferenzi (also know as Ferencich), with later versions coming from high profile names in the advertising world including Bernard Villemot of France and the Italian Zambelli.  The message was clear; Vespa was the new way to get around, faster, easier and more affordable than a car.

      “Let's Vespa” signified a linguistic revolution, creating a verb from the name of a brand and going on to be used in legendary campaigns such as “Chi Vespa mangia le mele” [Who Vespa eats the apples] and a decade later “Giovane chi Vespa” [The young who Vespa].

      Over the years Vespa's advertising messages continued to break the mould, with posters often becoming keepsakes and souvenirs of personal adventures and important moments. Since 1946, when the first scooter was produced, over 18 million Vespas have followed, creating an extraordinary passion and community all over the world.    Vespa has seamlessly navigated across all social classes, lead revolutions in clothing and music. Through the good times and the bad, Vespa has become the world's leading brand when it comes to getting around and a symbol of global freedom.

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